Shunt Resistors

  • Current Sense Shunts(SD)
  • Current Sense Shunts(SD)
  • Current Sense Shunts(SD)
Current Sense Shunts(SD)Current Sense Shunts(SD)Current Sense Shunts(SD)

Current Sense Shunts(SD)

  • 1. Rating 10A up to 5000A
  • 2. Outputs 50mV, 60mV, 75mV, 100mV, 150mV
  • 3. Standard Accuracy: 0.5%
  • Product description: DC Current Shunts, Base Mounted, Bus bar, 50mV, 60mV, 75mV, 100mV, or customized output, 0.5% Accuracy

DC Current Shunts, Base Mounted, 50mV, 60mV, 75mV, 100mV, 0.5% Accuracy

DC Current Shunts are used to multiply the measuring range of measuring instrument and designed for PCB and busbar mounting, are manufactured from electron beam welded copper and manganin, and have low temperature coefficients.

Dimensions(10A-5000A 100mV):

60A DC Current Shunts, Base Mounted, 50mV, 60mV, 75mV, 100mV, 0.5% Accuracy 0

300A Bus bar shunt, high precision for current sense, 0.5% accuracy 0

800A DC Ammeter Shunts, Bus bar, available in any Millivolt rating 0

2000A Precision Current Shunt, 50mV, 60mV, 75mV, 100mV, 0.5% accuracy 0

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